Logic, Clarity, and Precision
Ensure that your writing is clear and logical, avoid ambiguity, and make sure your words convey precisely the message you intend.
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers and Other Illogical Constructions: We will focus on the careful placement of modifying words, phrases, and clauses and raise awareness of the need for precision in professional writing. In addition, we will addresses the problem of redundancies and other errors in logic:
Should we write “The corporation only grossed $3 million this year” or “The corporation grossed only $3 million this year”?
Can e.g. and etc. appear in the same parenthetical expression?
Word Confusion: Our lexicon changes constantly. We will review a number of words that writers often confuse or misuse. Here are just a few we cover in this seminar:
insure, ensure, and assure
anxious and eager
effect and affect
bimonthly and semimonthly
farther and further
like and as
disinterested and uninterested
infer and imply
lay and lie
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